Jingwei ZHANG

Group R&D Director


Group R&D Director

Jingwei ZHANG graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology in China, and received his Ph.D in optical engineering in France. He worked for Saint-Gobain for 24 years, as group strategic projects manager and international R&D portfolio manager, for innovative glass products development. Joint SGD Pharma in 2014 as R&D director, he structured R&D teams in France, China and India, to make innovation in the field of product and process for pharma glass packaging. He has a large experience in glass products & process development and in industrial quality inspection. He is inventor of more than 80 international patents.

Speaker on

Siliconized vials for lyophilization to reduce cake breakage

Educational Session LyophilizationPackagingPrimary Packaging
06/06/2024 | 14:00 - 14:20 | Theater #1

Lyophilization, from production to reconstitution - Part 2

Panel Discussion LyophilizationPackagingPrimary PackagingPackaging Accessories / Closure Systems / Dessicants / Connectors
06/06/2024 | 15:10 - 15:30 | Theater #1