Stephane ANCEL

Sales manager


Sales manager

With a 25-year experience in the health sector, Stéphane Ancel has steered private hospitals and contributed significantly to various purchasing groups. His expertise has been particularly honed in the realm of purchasing, where he concentrated on advancing electronic catalog systems and EDI platforms. Drawing on this background, Stéphane Ancel transitioned into the IT industry, directing his focus towards the digitalization of shared data, ensuring data integrity, and facilitating publication to regulatory databases. In April 2023, Stéphane Ancel joined Ackomas, bringing his wealth of experience to bear on the development of KOA. This cutting-edge solution is tailored for the medical device industry, facilitating seamless publication to regulatory databases.

Speaker on

Navigating the Challenges of Implementing the Eudamed UDI Module: Strategies for Efficient Data Synchronization and Compliance

Educational Session EudamedMedical DeviceMedical Devices - Challenges of the Eudamed ComplianceRegulation and standards
06/05/2024 | 14:25 - 14:45 | Theater #1

Medical Device, standards and challenges of the Eudamed Compliance

Panel Discussion EudamedMDR/UDIMedical DeviceMedical Devices - Challenges of the Eudamed ComplianceRegulation and standards
06/05/2024 | 15:10 - 15:30 | Theater #1